
Showing posts from July, 2019
And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. - Acts 8:31 DAY 14 - Friday July 27 -  Tia Darla started and closed off our day sharing from Mark 14:3-5 (The Anointing at Bethany); encouraging us that just as the woman who broke the alabaster flask of costly oil and poured it on Jesus' head that we all had done a good work for Him. The highlight of our day of rest would be witnessing young Naya's and Amanda's baptism on a West End beach by Naya's father, Pastor Joel, and Pastor Darrell and Minister Tara, respectively. God however, as He alone can, would exceed our expectations this day. - DC Our last day in Roatan was a quiet rest day, with no events planned - but it ended with a bang!! This evening after supper we sat together as a team and each shared a highlight of our time, as well as, something we appreciated about another team member. We have all been so blessed these two weeks, both by the Lor
Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” - John 1:46 DAY 13 - Thursday July 25 - Our daily devotional was lead by sister Evelyn but prior to this, Tia Darla had us look out onto the Caribbean Sea to give praise to our Lord God and creator. Praise indeed!!! Evelyn shared from her time in the Word, Exodus 3:21-4:5 (Signs for Moses); reminding us that God uses what we see as ordinary for His extraordinary purposes. He certainly has exhibited this time and time again not only with material resources but most importantly His human resources. We have experienced this day in and out, not only for the two weeks that we have been in Roatan but way before we even arrived on the island. God is using young men, such as Ricky and Eric, and teacher, Daphne, from Pandy Town, to do extraordinary things in their town, despite all the odds. With God all things are possible! - DC Wow, our time in Roatan has just flown by! Today was
And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” - Mark 2:17 DAY 12 - Wednesday July 24 - Sister Haydee lead our daily devotional this morning from 1 John 3:1-23 (The Imperative and Outworking of Love), an encouragement and reminder for why we are here. Haydee, her mother, Cheryl and family are certainly and embodiment of this, in their servitude, generosity and outpouring of love each and every day. - DC Today was a day of variety! This morning we stopped at a charity clinic not too far from our hotel. It is run by donations and volunteer help - it was definitely better than the government hospital. They provide a lot of maternal and ob/gyn care, as well as diabetic, dental, eye and ear care and general medical care. We dropped off a lot of supplies as well as more of the hygiene packs we put together at Cornerstone. It was a joy to be able to help! - DG
“But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.- John 15:26 DAY 11 - Tuesday July 23 - We started our day, as always, with our daily devotion and a very moving testimony from sister Tara, sharing from Luke 24:13-17, on the road to Emmaus. Tara  encouraged us that Jesus walks with us even during times of distress , dispair and disappointment.  On the second day, we were able to accommodate another 500 plus children but this time with a lot less stress as there were many returning from the previous day which cut down on the registration time, as well as, the counselors were more accustomed to the schedule and children. It always amazes me at the number of young people who are eager and willing to participate as volunteers for 5 hours, many of them after school, to shepherd 15-30 younger children at a time. We have seen them during the course of the week at other events, many of th
DAY 10 - Monday July 22 - The Lord never ceases to amaze!! Today was the first day of bible camp. In past years, there would typically be 150-200 kids the first day, increasing throughout the week. We had 489 registrations today, not counting some who probably snuck in - 489!! Some of these kids walk quite a ways to get here too. They all got a yellow RAM shirt, nice matching water bottle - and the Good News of Jesus' love, whether through music, dance, field games, crafts, bible stories or memory verses. The entire program was designed by sister, Erin. And - we get to do it all again tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday! - DG/DC On a personal note, the idea of the Lord giving His people strength was always a nice concept to me, but never real. I was wrong - His strength is VERY real! I am amazed at how the Lord gives such energy to someone who should be dead tired! It is supernatural! Even Darla and others have commented how I am looking younger (I wish!!) every da
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an ensample to them that believe, in word, in manner of life, in love, in faith, in purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12 DAY 9- Sunday July 21 - Today was Youth on Fire for teens. We had 134 young people registered for a program that ran from 2 till 6:30. On the theme of "Plugged In", Pastor Joel used the illustration of a cell phone that needs to be initialized, then regularly plugged in to power in order to work - just our walk with Christ. A highlight of the afternoon was a special prayer walk. The kids were given painted rocks on which they could paint or marker a word of love or encouragement. On their walk they left these love rocks throughout the neighborhood. At least 20 - 30 kids came forward at the end of the conference, with more prayed for at their seats, in response to an invitation both for salvation and rededication. Joel knows of at least five who gave their hearts to Christ for the f
DAY 8 - Saturday July 20 - The day started with us bidding farewell to the Connecticut team, and a few from Toronto (Junior) and Florida (Ashley, Jazzmine), however we were also able to welcome Simone, the Sutherland’s daughter who traveled all the way from Switzerland, Artrice, Cynthia, Amanda and Tristan from Florida at the airport. After lunch, we all returned to ESBIR to do final preparations for the second half of the marriage conference later that night. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come. - Luke 4:19 This afternoon, Charles, Johan, Aaron and Darren met with Pastor Bill at the local Coxen Hole jail to minister to men being held there. Pastor Bill came armed with a keyboard, portable speaker and the Holy Spirit as we were able to speak to them from right outside the jail. Pastor Bill started with introduction
My  Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and  so  prove to be My disciples. - Matthew 15:8 DAY 6 - Friday July 19 - Our morning started as always with our daily morning worship and devotion, lead this time by Monica and the Connecticut Young Adult Harvest (YAH) team who would be leaving us on Saturday. We started our worship by singing Israel Houghton’s  “I am Friend of God. After which, two of the YAH members, Nadina and the ministry director, Jay, shared their testimonies of how God had worked powerfully and miraculously in their lives. Monica then shared from the Matthew 15:1-17, the Vine and the Branches, which would unbeknownst to her going to be a segue into Pastor Darrell’s and Minister Tara’s teaching at the marriage conference later that night. We ended our time with prayer over Phil for healing, Charles and Darla and Johan, Darla’s nephew who has been instrumental in transporting the team this past week, as well as, inviting the soccer
But Jesus said, Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for to such belongeth the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 19:14   DAY 6 - Thursday July 18 - What an amazing day and awesome God! Today was another busy day, as some of our group went to a children's chool for special needs and public clinic in French Harbor and the rest of us helped set up for the God's girls program. Some with educational experience went to the Cattleya special needs school. One of the young women on our team is a special needs teacher also. She told me that she went in expecting to give tips to the teachers, but them interacting with the kids in a highly professional manner, to North American standards (but with a LOT less money)! Parents pay $75 a month. Our team had prepared 28 bags for the kids, and it turns out that between the morning and afternoon sessions, that is exactly thè number of kids who are there! This group also went to a public clinic in Fr
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. - Psalm 147:3  DAY 5 - Wednesday, July 17 - The visit to Roatan's only public hospital today was an eye-opener! And yet the overworked staff, the patients and their families were all so welcoming! We were able to talk and pray and connect with many of them. Do you remember those hygiene packs we put together at Cornerstone a few months ago? What a thrill to now be on the giving end, handing them out to folks who so appreciated the practical help. Imelda talked and prayed with one mother of eight whose daughter was in for a motorcycle accident (very common here!) and gave her two packages. Then there was little 1yr old Madison, in with pneumonia whose mother wept as we talked and prayed with her - we wept too. What an honor to come down and make even a little difference! - DG Another powerful evening with approx. 85 young adults. Great challenge for believers on being a disciple-maker, and a gospel call
I am a friend of God. He calls me friend. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. - John 15:13-14 DAY 4 - Tuesday July 16 - Our day started with a moving time of devotion lead by Miami team leader, Haydee, who had us each read a verse from 1 Samuel 20. She then lead us through the special friendship that David and Johnathan had which was highlighted in verse 17 " And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself." She reminded us all about the importance of friendship, being a friend and a God who calls us His friend. We closed with a powerful time of prayer; praying over and anointing all those who would participate in the Women's Conference later that night, as well as, the people and especially the youth of Roatan, who need to know Jesus as their friend. The Lord blessed our first event with almost 400 wom
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations - Matt 28:19a DAY 3 - Monday July 15 - The main event for the day was a Prayer Rally held at ESBIR Bilingual school located in Coxen Hole, where the majority of events will be. All events are bathed in prayer, so it it was only fitting that prior to us going out to invite the surrounding community that the entire team gathered along with faithful local supporters including pastors from the churches that we visited on Sunday to pray over the upcoming events. We broke up into 5 groups to do so and then into 3 to go out into the neighboring community to extend invitations to all events starting with the Women's Conference on Tuesday evening. Lead by locals, the teams were stretched to speak to total strangers with the added challenge that most were Spanish speaking. The Lord provided; giving the team opportunity and the courage to boldly step out and share His love with this community. All were touched by the openness and in som
The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working - James 5:16b  DAY 2 - Sunday July 14 - Our first full day in Roatan started as always with our daily morning worship meeting at 7:30am  under the "Dome" at our hotel which faces onto the Caribbean Sea. The venue is certainly conducive to praising and worshiping our God, the Creator of all things. Tia Darla lead us in song, shared a devotional and closed in prayer. Our day will be spent in the houses of the Lord, churches in Coxen Hole and French Harbour, as well as, a "tabernacle" set-up what is normally the Island Saloon, for the Men's Hog Fry. We anticipated a day filled with praise and worship of the Lord ... the Lord, as always, exceeded our expectations - DC Hola from Roatan! It was another long day today, but a good one! We started out sharing the (bilingual English/Spanish) service with the First Baptist Church in Coxen Hole, the main town on Roatan. Darrell Owens, the pasto
Greet one another with a holy kiss - 2 Cor.13:12 DAY 1 - Saturday, July 14 - We are on the ground in Roatan ... We arrived in Coxen Hole at 1:22PM local time and what a welcome!!! The local airport was just a sea of yellow shirts as the teams that had arrived earlier from Toronto, Connecticut and Miami were there to welcome us to Roatan. After being expedited through immigration a lady asked me at the baggage carousel asked me what group we were with. When I told her Roatan Alive and that our events were at ESBIR, her face immediately lit up and she thanked us for coming and that she appreciated all the work that we had been doing over the years. We were all then shuttled by our faithful and skillful drivers, Edgar and Johan, for a delicious Roatan lunch at a local restaurant where the cook is a relation of Darla.... the running joke is that Darla is related to half the island, which I believe to be only half the truth. - DC
DAY 0 - On our way ...  After months of prayer and preparation, the main part of team from Canada arrived at Toronto Pearson in the wee hours of Saturday morning (1:30 AM), along with over 20 pieces of luggage loaded with ministry materials. Packed, portered and transported by supporters Ron, Chris, James, "the" Jack, mainly from Cornerstone Church and accompanied by prayer warrior, Marian, the team was in very high spirits to return to Roatan. Pleased to share that even at that early morning that the people working in the airports were higher functioning than some of the machines which had technical difficulties. Giving thanks for Ms.Dowds who checked us in and Chic-Fil-A in Dallas.
  In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9 T-7 - After months of prayer, planning and preparation, the Roatan Alive Mission (RAM 2019) kicked off in Roatan this past week. The theme of the mission this year is Rebuild-Repair-Restore (Isaiah 58:12, 61:4). A team of eager and spirit-filled local volunteers began work to prepare for the mission events over the two weeks between July 13 - 27th u nder the direction of ministry leader and co-founder, Darla Sutherland, The mission team will be 41 strong this year and will be arriving from various parts of the world including Toronto, Canada, New York, Connecticut and Florida, USA, as well as, Switzerland. Along with the long time supporters in Roatan, key members from the team also arrived early to begin all the ground work which goes into making the mission trip successful. - DC