Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations - Matt 28:19aDAY 3 - Monday July 15 - The main event for the day was a Prayer Rally held at ESBIR Bilingual school located in Coxen Hole, where the majority of events will be. All events are bathed in prayer, so it it was only fitting that prior to us going out to invite the surrounding community that the entire team gathered along with faithful local supporters including pastors from the churches that we visited on Sunday to pray over the upcoming events. We broke up into 5 groups to do so and then into 3 to go out into the neighboring community to extend invitations to all events starting with the Women's Conference on Tuesday evening. Lead by locals, the teams were stretched to speak to total strangers with the added challenge that most were Spanish speaking. The Lord provided; giving the team opportunity and the courage to boldly step out and share His love with this community. All were touched by the openness and in some cases pure joy in the case of children being invited. They treasured the invitation flyers as if it were their ticket to heaven... one can only pray as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - DC
It was hot and muggy here in Roatan, but that didn't dampen our spirits! We started out the day with a prayer rally at the school where we will be holding most of our events. Then we split into teams and walked around different parts of Coxen Hole, talking with folks and inviting them to our upcoming events. Most of the conversations were in Spanish, some English. We had a "bridge" tract in Spanish as well. Many people were happy to talk and take our invitations (unlike North America...).
In the afternoon we got the auditorium ready for the women's conference on Tuesday evening. It was a lot of work setting out chairs for 500 and setting up the sound system and decorations. We worked hard and got it (mostly) done.
This evening after supper was a precious time of each one sharing what we are thankful for on this trip and how we have seen the Lord at work - DG
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