In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

T-7 - After months of prayer, planning and preparation, the Roatan Alive Mission (RAM 2019) kicked off in Roatan this past week. The theme of the mission this year is Rebuild-Repair-Restore (Isaiah 58:12, 61:4). A team of eager and spirit-filled local volunteers began work to prepare for the mission events over the two weeks between July 13 - 27th under the direction of ministry leader and co-founder, Darla Sutherland, The mission team will be 41 strong this year and will be arriving from various parts of the world including Toronto, Canada, New York, Connecticut and Florida, USA, as well as, Switzerland. Along with the long time supporters in Roatan, key members from the team also arrived early to begin all the ground work which goes into making the mission trip successful. - DC


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