Day 5 - He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. - Psalm 147:3 Wednesday July 17 - The day started with our daily morning devotional, followed by a visit to a local clinic to distribute care packages to patients. Today there were seven boys who made a profession of faith at our soccer event! More to come about that! One boy travelled on foot for two hours to participate in the event. Another two boys borrowed horses from a friend and arrived with a grand entrance on horseback. That was a first! They travelled from near and far to participate in the Roatán Alive Mission, Sons of the Kingdom event. It's soccer outreach ministry for boys ages 8-15. Soccer is the most popular sport on the island and the boys always have a fun time together. There were 85 boys in attendance with 4 games running at the same time at Kix Soccer Arena in Coxen Hole, Roatan (Honduras). A few days ago, we ran a day long program called Daughters of the King for the young girls. Before the soccer games, we