Day 3 - Let it be a sweet, sweet sound....


Monday July 15 - Today, bright and early in the morning, ministry began at breakfast! Our dear sister Gianina chatted with our waitress Judith and shared her very own journal. As we can see, Judith was blessed and touched to receive such a personal gift. Sister Haydee led us through a devotion on Revelation 3:20, encouraging us to respond to Jesus' invitation: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” The passage is an invitation for us, as much as it is for the people we are ministering to. Haydee also shared her beautiful story of how her family helped establish churches, medical care, and the first grocery store on the island. After devotions, we had the chance to hand out invitations and gospel tracts in the local community. Three local women led us through neighborhoods, translating and sharing the invitations alongside us. We handed out invites to every woman, man, and child we saw. And what was amazing, is that people were so open and receptive!  They were so happy to receive the invite and some drivers even stopped their cars in the middle of the street to ask for more details!

      A few of us on the team had an opportunity to minister to and pray with some of the locals. Kim and I saw one lady looking over at us across the street. Even though we no longer had any women’s conference invitations, we ran over to see if she could join one of our women’s events. We asked if she knew Jesus and she said she did, and was open to prayer for her health. She gave us the chance to pray over her.                                                                After reconvening for lunch at ESBIR, we began setting up for the marriage conference and leaders event. The praise team began their practice, and one of the young local girls Christina, joined our team. With a sweet voice and beautiful heart, she made a wonderful addition to our worship team.Melissa Spoelstra and Pastor Sean Spoelstra arrived safely on the island, just in time to lead the leaders event in the evening. At this event, local church leaders were invited from all over the island to be refreshed by a message from God and encouraged in their ministries.We’re believing God for what He will in the next few days! - Anka                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Today, as our team began to hand out invitations for our outreach events, one of the team members met a woman that was struggling to understand God's love for her, as she was going through a complex and difficult situation. Our team had the opportunity to listen to her story, answer her deep questions about suffering and forgivenessand and shared how God is always with us. We encouraged her to surrender to God and pray for His Holy Spirit to enter into her heart. As we invited her to our women's conference, her friend, who had been to Roatan Alive events, came by and joined our conversation. She promised to bring her friend to the women's conference. We are looking forward to seeing her on the weekend and for all the ladies attending to be blessed. - Erika

For the first time, we gathered with local Pastors, their wives and leaders to hear from 5 different local churches about their struggles and testimonies of church life. We fellowshiped and encouraged one other; letting them know that they are not alone and that RAM is here to help them in various ways. It was so good to hear them speak and talk about their frustrations, lack of commitment and tiredness, but also of God’s miracluous stories and His mercy to reopen a church just 10 days ago after  being closed during the pandemic! There was laughter, joy and tears in our gathering. We prayed for the unity of each of these churches on Roatan - Haydee


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