RAM 2024: Are you Ready? Matt 24:44

Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Roatan Alive Mission (RAM)!!! 

Monday July 8th - This year's theme was impressed upon team leader and ministry co-founder, Darla Sutherland, during her devoted prayer time for the mission earlier this year. The Lord impressed on her Matthew 24:44 - "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Are you Ready? is the theme for year 16 of the mission trip.

This year's trip will be the largest contingent ever going, with over 50 committed; about half being from Canada and the other half from the USA. The team is comprised of members attending a variety of churches from the Greater Toronto Area, parts of southern Ontario, Florida, New York, Texas and as far as Switzerland. Planning, preparation and prayer meetings have been well underway. 

A bake sale and team commissioning ceremony were held on Sunday June 23rd at one of the two mission sending churches, Cornerstone Christian Community Church in Markham, Ontario. Both Cornerstone's and Christ the Rock Community Church in Cooper City, Florida's congregation, leadership and pastoral team continue to generously support the mission trip in so many ways.

Each trip is bathed in prayer with the final prayer meeting to be held on Wednesday July 10th before the team leaves for Roatan on Saturday July 13th. 

While preparations were being made in Canada, there have been similar coordinated activities occurring also in the USA at Christ the Rock, lead by Haydee Galindo, as well as in Roatan itself. This year, Darla and Evelyn, travelled earlier to Roatan to organize and prepare the way along with the local team of devoted volunteers in Roatan. The first shipment of supplies for the mission arrived from Florida on of all days, Canada Day, July 1st! The team in Roatan have been busy stocking the shelves of the store room used during the mission this past week.

The team is extremely appreciative of all the prayers, financial and volunteer support that have been provided over the years by mission supporters, volunteers, both sending churches and partner churches in Roatan. 

Are you ready for RAM 2024? - Darren



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