Day 4 - In Sickness and In Health...

Tuesday July 16 - Today, our team had the opportunity to visit the Integral Health Center CIS Flowers Bay, a clinic in Roatan. We toured the clinic and heard about how much the clinic has grown and has been able to help people in the area, to meet physical, medical, dental, laboratory, mental health and social service needs. It was a beautiful story of how the community came together to support the building up of the clinic into functioning condition, with the support raised by the nearby church, community and the mayor. 

Earlier in the morning, we made care packages with essentials like shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, wipes, and much more. One special moment was handing out these packages to the patients in the clinic. My mom, sister and I had a chance to connect with two girls waiting inside the clinic. One of the girls shared with us about her recent back pains which was impacting their daily functioning and shared with us her personal story. It was so heartwarming to pray with them, giving all their needs up to God and trusting in Him together. Praying for healing and praying for God’s blessing upon them. The locals’ openness and the connections we’ve built have been such an encouragement to me. - Abby

The marriage conference has become a very special night for couples to come in their finest for a night out with their spouses. Hosted at ESBIR with a beautiful gold and white decor, 55 couples attended the conference which was entitled "Are you Ready for a new Start?"  Pastor Darrell and Minister Tara spoke on the topic. The couples were treated to a delicious dinner served by the team, a special photo shoot and a painting workshop lead by Erika and Francisco. Complimentary child care was also provided by the team. The evening concluded with a precious time with the couples facing each other and making a renewed commitment to their marriage.


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