Day 1 - We ARE Ready To Take Off!!!


Saturday July 13 - It's TIME!!! RAM 2024 is in flight!!! After months of prayer and preparation, the majority of the Toronto team were packed and prepared to leave for Roatan! Lead this year, by Dan and Kimberley, all were brimming with excitement whether they were first-timers or veterans. What is so impressive is the number of youth that will be participating this year. God is raising up new workers!

The Canadian team arrived bright eyed at Toronto Pearson Airport in the wee hours of Saturday morning for their flight. They will be joined by the rest of the team who are travelling from Florida, New York and Texas. 

Please pray for safe travels, that flight connections will be made, luggage arrives safely, good health, encouragement, strength, unity and God's blessing of the fruit of the Spirit for the entire team. We pray that all will arrive safely in Roatan where there will be a welcome party worthy of these sons and daughters of the King!!! Gloria a Dios!!!

The Canadian and Floridian team united at Miami Airport this afternoon and all travellers touched down safely on the "Rock" today. Gracias a Dios! He is our Rock!!! - Darren

Praise God we made it! First large group arrived in Roatan after over 24 hours of airports and transfers and we are so excited to be here and meet the precious people here. 

Lots of God stories already along the way..where we can see this truth come to be…when He has called you to go, He will make a way!! 

One of our team members realized her name was incorrectly spelled on the ticket, and we soon realized that she wouldn’t be able to check in online and didn’t have any seats assigned  for her as a result. So we waited as a team at the Pearson airport and started lining up at 2am! Praying for God provision as it was a fully booked flight. Thankful for the provision of an understanding agent who helped resolve the issue without any additional costs and able to find 3 seats for our team members. Then they soon made an announcement that are flight was overbooked but thankfully again Gods provision, no one on our team had their seat cancelled.

Our team got on the airplane and they announced a maintenance issue, which resulted in an hour delay while seated in the plane as they had to wait for staffing and wait for paperwork to be completed. Upon arrival in Miami for our stop over, the plane had another delay waiting for a gate to park. We thank God our next flight out of Miami was also delayed by a couple hours which gave us just the right amount of time to comfortably make it on to our second leg of the trip into Roatan. Praise God! 

Our team members from Texas had their travel plans delayed due to the hurricane that hit Houston. After days of constant delays in flights, they were able to finally make it to Roatan today to join the Canadian team upon their arrival at the airport! Great to welcome our Texas friends and hear their story…they finally made it to Roatan after many years of planning and hoping but finally they have arrived to join the Roatan mission, exactly in the time and year that God has ordained. His ways are wiser than our ways. 

Upon arrival in Roatan, we were greeted with friendly smiles and warm embraces and feel the joy already. We were blessed to enjoy a wonderful lunch prepared by Tia Darla’s niece at her bakery. And it has been so great to have the opportunity to finally connect  in person, together with the Florida team and our local Roatan ministry partners. We are so encouraged to hear about what God is at work doing here on the island and we look  forward to a full week ahead, ministering with the local partners. 

In the early evening, our worship team volunteers were on the go and travelled to the local school where they were able to meet and set up their equipment and have their first all team worship practice together, in preparations for the worship service and girls camp time together! 

It’s been a long travel day so we are all going to rest well tonight!  - Joanne


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