Day 10 - Jesus said “Let the children come to me”

Monday July 22 - The day started out with preparation for the first day of day camp. As we got all the groups set up, the children started to come. Like a flood they poured through the doors and in no time we had over 100 kids and they were all very excited for camp. We started out with worship songs to get the children warmed up to the camp feel, then we took our group through all the different stations. There was sports, lessons, memory verses, snacks and face painting, and crafts. Lots of kids were super excited and were very engaged in all that we were doing. 

During a lesson, my group was very moved, and when Pastor Paolo asked if anyone would like to commit their life to Jesus, one boy raised his hand right away. Then another girl raised her hand, and before I knew it, most of the kinds from my group were up at the front, praying in a circle, accepting Jesus into their lives. It was really a God moment to see them so open and willing to let Jesus into their lives. We ended the first day of day camp with a few more worship songs and we let the kids go with a backpack for coming on the first day. The day camp was really God inspired and very heart warming to experience.

The Trailblazers event was right after the first day of day camp and it was truly God's strength that helped us through it. Trailblazers is an evening for young adults on the island.  We practiced some worship songs as the young adults started coming in. Then we started the night with worship and praise. The worship was one of the best things for me today because I got to see all the young adults sing their heart out even if it was their first time coming or if they did not know the song in English, they were worshiping wholeheartedly. Then Pastor Paolo preached to the people and we prepared to serve dinner. Although we were expecting 70 people, 90 people arrived and we got food for all of them and even more. Every time we have a big gathering, God always provides more than enough food for the people and for us.

After dinner the young adults were able to go through some workshops that consisted on prayer and reflection. There were tables decorated with different things, such as candles, pieces of paper with each letter of the alphabet, and other different things to do. After all the young adults spent some time at the stations, we closed the night with more worship. There were many people coming for the first time and they said they really enjoyed it. The RAM team even took care of the babies from some of the people who came. Overall, that night was an amazing night where so many people experienced Christ and we were all inspired. - Joy


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