Day 5 - Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper

Wednesday July 19 - Some of the team have been meeting up by 6:30 am to go on walks in the morning. During these walks, they have been able to experience the beauty and quietness of the West End area of Roatan. This morning they were blessed by seeing a double rainbow which was a reminder of God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises to us.

       Daily devotions are held after breakfast under the Dome. Today, Kimberley lead off on “Do not be anxious!” 

The morning and afternoon was spent preparing for the Trail Blazers event for young adults.

Today was another powerful day for the Roatan Alive Mission. We are beyond overwhelmed at the movement of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the young adults we served today.  The "Trailblazers" is a relatively new ministry of RAM and this was the third year we hosted a special evening filled with fun, food and fellowship. About 30 young adults along with the team gathered from across the island for an interactive night filled with games, meaningful discussion and a compelling message by Pastor Joel on God's unrelenting love taken from Luke 15:11-32. Victor, a young man who has grown up with Roatan Alive, inspired us all with his testimony of God's transforming power in his life. Once homeless, Victor now travels around central America sharing the Good News. The evening concluded with a special time of worship and prayer for all young adults who attended. All glory goes to God for His faithfulness!  Please keep us in your prayers!


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