
Day 12 - Day Camp Finale

Wednesday July 24 -  Day Camp – Day 3 -  As we wrapped up Day Camp, some students had learned the memory verse and were able to recite them with enthusiasm and pride. A simple prize like an HB pencil motivated the students to sit quietly, listen, participate, and memorize the verse. My Spanish counterpart and I taught the lesson based on the memory verse found in Romans 12:2 (“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”)  The first day of camp, we discussed what the verse means. The second day, we looked at the conversion of Saul to Paul. Finally, we studied the calling of the twelve disciples; how they were transformed from fishing for fish to “fishers of men.” It never ceases to amaze me how children as young as four years old can grasp the message of stories from the Bible. Please pray with us that these children will continue to grow

Day 11 - But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD

Tuesday July 23 -  It was day 2 of day camp when over 220 children attended to do much the same as the previous the previous day. You can well imagine the controlled chaos that camp coordinator, Darcie, the leaders and over 30 camp counsellors had to deal with! Shortly after day camp, the men quickly turned around to prepare for the Men’s Event. This year’s RAM team contingent of men  served the men of Roatan from different parts of the island.   

Day 10 - Jesus said “Let the children come to me”

Monday July 22 - The day started out with preparation for the first day of day camp. As we got all the groups set up, the children started to come. Like a flood they poured through the doors and in no time we had over 100 kids and they were all very excited for camp. We started out with worship songs to get the children warmed up to the camp feel, then we took our group through all the different stations. There was sports, lessons, memory verses, snacks and face painting, and crafts. Lots of kids were super excited and were very engaged in all that we were doing.  During a lesson, my group was very moved, and when Pastor Paolo asked if anyone would like to commit their life to Jesus, one boy raised his hand right away. Then another girl raised her hand, and before I knew it, most of the kinds from my group were up at the front, praying in a circle, accepting Jesus into their lives. It was really a God moment to see them so open and willing to let Jesus into their lives. We ended the fi

Day 9 - The Youth are on Fire for God

  “Hear, my child, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.” - Proverbs 1:8-9 Sunday July 21 - Sunday Worship Service: This morning our team split up and attended 3 different churches across Roatan. We covered the island as one group was in the east, one in the center, and the other in the west.  Some of us had the opportunity to attend Iglesia Bautista Luz del Puerto in French Harbour. Starting off the morning with worship, the church’s team led us in powerful praise. It was beautiful to sing the lyrics in both languages, uniting multiple churches and peoples to give glory to our God. During the service we also celebrated a birthday and praised God through dance and song from some of the members of the church. One special moment was gifting certificates to Tia Darla and Sister Haydee for all the work with the Roatan Alive team and the partnership they’ve had for 13 years. It’s amazing t

Day 8 - A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised

  Saturday July 20 - Day 2 of the Women's Conference. Minister Tara challenged women to choose how we want to live this the wise or as the foolish, as the Bridegroom is coming. How are we using the time He has given us? “God gave us 24 hours in a day because He knew that was just what was needed.”  In the afternoon, we enjoyed a time of prayer and recommitment of all the female leaders in the churches across the island who attended the conference. Praying for the spirit to strengthen them so they can continue to serve Him faithfully and they could continue to extend their impact to young and old, for His names sake. Tara also encouraged leaders to come together and be united in their mission and calling. The commissioning time with all the women at the front of the stage was such a precious site to see. God is pleased and glorified. We ended the afternoon with lots of fun workshops with the women including lantern making, tote bag decorating, crafts using chopsticks and pa

Day 7 - “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue"

  “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue" - Proverbs 31:26 Friday July 19 - Approximately 200 women attended the first day of the Women's Conference.  What a powerful move of God tonight. This is just the beginning. The worship was awesome to God be all the glory. The interview hosted by Haydee and Darcie of Ms. Cheryl and Tia Darla was great. We heard the story of how Roatán Alive came to fruition by the partnership of their friendship.  Darla heard the call from God and Cheryl has  generously provided her school ESBIR, where most of our missions events are hosted.  The praise dance was  phenomenal .  The word of God spoken through Bible Teacher  Melissa Spoelstra and translated by Bibiana was amazing. We learned to give our ashes to God and He will make beauty out of it (Isaiah 63:1-3). In everything, we must have a prayer life. We have to make sure that our lanterns keep burning and that there’s enough oil so we are ready for the return of Christ

Day 6 - Two are better than one…

“ Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour.” - Ecc 4:9 Thursday July 18 -  it was a  great time for team building today! A great opportunity to build intentional connections amongst Ontario and Florida team members. Thankful for time to enjoy sharing our stories together!  Last night after dinner, we enjoyed a precious time together. We went around reflecting and sharing God stories and highlights from the last few days. It was so beautiful to be reminded of all the glimpses of God at work amongst us and in us and through us. May He receive all the Glory. Can’t believe all that has taken place in just 5 days!!! We are filled with gratitude! - Joanne